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What are the benefits of Buchu, where can I find it?

Buchu otherwise scientifically known as Agathosma Betulina is a herb indigenous to the Cape region of South Africa. It has been used by the indigenous Khoisan for hundreds of years. Buchu is one of the reasons why the Khoisan have been free of some of the common deceases that inflict society.

Buchu is a potent miracle herb with various health benefits. The Khoisan used to eat the leaves of Buchu. But these days Buchu has been grown at a large scale and it has been turned into tea sachets and brandy. This has made Buchu readily available and it can be enjoyed at a large scale.

Buchu is herb and it is natural herb and therefore it can be consumed as tea at a large scale without any side effects. The key to good life is not wait to get sick but to immunize yourself to probable sickness before they occur. The trick is to add Buchu tea to your daily diet and it will stop many ailments in their tracks.

Buchu Magical Properties

The Khoisan believed that Buchu had mystical powers and often used it for protecting their properties. Buchu was often sprinkled around the house to chase away evil spirits and bad luck. But this is not scientific and we can not be prove it. It is more of a belief. I do not believe that Buchu has spiritual powers. But what is not in doubt is that Buchu is a powerful magical herb with very powerful curative powers.

Buchu Plant

Buchu has real scientifically proven curative powers that Universities such as UCT have been able to prove and recognize. Buchu is one of the few herbs that is recorded in pharmaceutical in America and Britian. Buchu is the only South African medicinal herb recognized by all these eminent pharmaceutical reference books, particularly with regard to treatment of infections of the genito-urinary tract. Buchu has real powers to stave off some ailments.

Buchu benefits

Buchu’s benefits are medicinal and tests have been carried out and proven that Buchu herb has curative benefits. Because of the medicinal benefits which are outined below it is critical to add it to your daily diet. Instead of taking normal tea take Buchu as your tea. It will serve the normal purpose of tea as well as having protective benefits to your body. Below as some of the diseases Buchu will help protect you from.

These are some of the diseases Buchu helps to fight | Buchu Remedies |Buchu plant medicinal uses :

Buchu and Inflammation:

There are times when your body from no where becomes very painful at some localised places. It can be a hip, a toe, a finger, a shoulder or any part of the of the body. The affected area becomes red, very painful and often swells. This is known inflammation.

Inflammation is actually as result of the body releasing white blood cells to fight of foreign invaders to your body. It is a sign that the body is trying to heal itself.

People suffering from inflammation will feel pain, stiffness, discomfort, distress, and even agony, depending on the severity of the inflammation.

Inflammation primarily causes pain because the swelling pushes against the sensitive nerve endings. Inflammation can be very uncomfortable and therefore needs management. You can either manage it using chemical medicines or using herb medicines or food.

Buchu is one of the herbal medicines used in the management of inflammation. Keep taking Buchu tea as part of your diet and your inflammation will start healing and soon your body will get back to it’s normal self.

Buchu and Premenstrual Syndrome

Women suffer from PMS several days before menstruating. Many women report to suffer from cramping, bloatness, moodiness, irritability, and mood swings. Buchu is known to control these symptoms and offer relief to many young women.

As woman you should add Buchu to your diet and you will reduce the monthly PMS feeling.

Can Buchu help with weight loss

Buchu may help with weight loss but will not reduce fat. Buchu has diuretic effects though. Diuretic means increase in passing of urine. Buchu stimulates your kidneys to drain more water from your body which you pass as urine. So it can help your body to get rid of excess fluid, which can result in weight loss as result of excretion of excess water, which is beneficial if you suffer with water retention just like people with high blood pressure. For successful weight loss you need to pass both water and also get rid off excess fat. For this to happen in a healthy way, a balanced, energy controlled diet is definitely recommended.

Buchu for Bladder Infections

According to research, the miracle plant Buchu has potent anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antifungal properties.

“Scientific research proves that Buchu kills off bad bacteria, which means it can address the source of a Urinary Tract Infection (UTI),” Karin McCann of Cape Kingdom Nutraceuticals told Health24.

She claimed that as a natural anti-inflammatory Buchu acts fast to address inflammation caused by a bladder infection.

Buchu addresses the cause of the problem in the bladder and not only the symptoms.
Buchu can therefore also be used as a preventative measure for people who suffer from chronic or recurring bladder infections.

She added that the diuretic properties of Buchu also assist in flushing out harmful toxins from the body. An increased intake of fresh water is important to assist the body in releasing toxins.
Courtsey – News24

Buchu can also be ingested in the form of a tea, pills or herbal water.

Buchu for Kidney flushing

A natural diuretic that can be used as to treat stomach ailments and to fight inflammation, kidney and urinary tract infections such as cystitis. Buchu’s primary volatile oil, disphenol, is thought to contain the principal urinary tract antiseptic. It also reduces urinary gravel (linked with kidney stones) and bladder catarrh.

Buchu and High Blood Pressure

Blood is supposed to go through your arteries with ease. But plaque develops in arteries and they become hard. The result of this is that the heart must work harder than normal to pump blood through the arteries. When the force of the blood against the artery walls is too high this is called high blood pressure and it is a dangerous condition which should be managed otherwise it can be deadly.

High blood pressure is managed by taking daily prescribed pills. BUt on top of that you need to exercise and lead a healthier life style.

On top of these activities you should eat well and also add some herbal teas to your diet. One of the best known herb that controls high blood pressure is Buchu.

The polyphenols (chemical components) in Buchu tea helps to fight plaque buildup in your veins and arteries. Two to three daily cups of Buchu tea are recommended to ease high blood pressure flushing your veins.
It is therefore important not to just take tea, no, take Buchu tea and you hit to birds with the same stone. You will get the benefits of dyhdrating yourself at the same time you will also be managing your highblood pressure in combination with medicines from your doctor.

Buchu Skin Benefits

Buchu may be applied externally. THe Khoisan for a long time have using Buchu to treat wounds and inflamation. It helps healing of bruises and open wounds because of its antiseptic properties.
Buchu is also used by people who suffer from psoriasis and eczema.

Where to buy Buchu Tea

The easiest way to buy Buchu is to buy online. When you buy online it does not matter where you are, Buchu will be delivered to your door or to your nearest Post Office.It does not matter where you are, what it is important is to buy and we shall deliver to you as quickly as possible.